
“The activities subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the ASC. It is responsible for promoting unity within the Capital Area of Narcotics Anonymous. It is also responsible for holding events to promote unity in the Capital Area of Narcotics Anonymous, and to attract members to NA.”

The Activities Committee meets on the first Sunday of each month at 12:30 at the Fairmont Church at the intersection of Clarke Ave and Horne Street in Raleigh. All NA members are invited to attend.

The Activities Committee Policy Manual can be found here <———

Listen to our last Area Activity Jam!  Several speakers, lots of great experience, strength, and hope!  Sorry, this was our first time recording like this, so it was started about 30 seconds after our first speaker started- and continues for a little over 3 hours.  The second half of this event was not recorded.  Listen below, or download and listen whenever you like!