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Workshop: 2023 Conference Agenda Report (CAR)
January 21, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
The goal of this workshop is to help home groups and individual members understand the importance and contents of the 2023 Conference Agenda Report (CAR).
Come join us, to learn about the 2023 CAR report and how the NA service structure works!
- Saturday 1/21/23, 9 AM to 4 PM
- Asking groups to bring food to share, but this is optional
- Two options for attending
- In-person – St Philips Lutheran Church, 7304 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, NC, 27615
- Virtual – Meeting ID: 849 5736 4074 / Passcode: CASC
Facilitators: Jacob S. (Regional Delegate, NC Region) & Jonathan B. (Alternate Delegate, NC Regaion)
What is the ‘CAR’?
The below is adapted from A Guide to World Services in Narcotics Anonymous
NA World Services info page for 2023 CAR
- Our traditions tell us that “NA, as such, Ought Never be Organized; but We May Create Service Boards or Committees Directly Responsible to Those They Serve.” (Tradition Nine). This means NA World Services (NAWS) is accountable to all NA home groups.
- To ensure accountability a meeting is held every 2 years, called the World Service Conference (WSC). At the WSC questions of significance to the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous as a whole, along with motions and proposals are discussed, are discussed and voted on.
- The effectiveness of each WSC depends preparation. The Conference Agenda Report (CAR) is part of that preparation, containing issues and items for decision to be considered at the WSC meeting, along with other essential information.